Everybody feels endangered on a red list but we don’t have to worry about that shit till we meet the end of the month, the end of the same list, the end of a new kiss, a romance, something to hold on to, when there’s nothing left to hold on to,hold on, there might me someone less worth than a fraction of what is left when you come home
We used to walk so tall, now everybody’s panicking, the water level’s rising, the animals are vanishing, you say, there’s so much space for your minorities, what about me me me, and my insecurities, and please please don’t take away from me, rape jokes, big cars and that taste of bourgeoisie, boy you know well there are stories to tell, bigger than your ego, fierce as a spell
You order soup for the rich, and a grave for the living
Soup for the rich and a grave for the living
Soup for the rich and a grave for the living
Get on by
Get on by
Everybody feels endangered on a red list,but we don’t worry in the same way as the other kids, you don’t worry in the same way as the poor kids, you don’t worry in the same way as the black kids, you walk tall, you are walking unafraid, still order soup for the rich and a straight pride parade, something to hold on to, when there’s nothing left to hold on to, hold
You order soup for the rich, maybe a grave for the living
Soup for the rich and a grave for the living
Soup for the rich and a grave for the living
Soup for the rich